The Academy LMS Prerequisites add-on is a valuable tool that helps students in their learning journey by establishing a structured path for progression. It ensures that students complete specific courses as prerequisites before they can enroll in more advanced ones. By implementing this add-on, instructors can effectively target the appropriate audience and prevent any knowledge gaps. 


Moreover, it significantly reduces the chances of students requesting refunds due to enrolling in courses that are too advanced for their current level of expertise. This feature provides a streamlined learning experience and promotes a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Course Prerequisites

Addon Features

  • Adding Unlimited Courses for Course Prerequisites


To use the Course Prerequisites Addon, you have to install and activate the Academy LMS free 1.7.3 or above and Academy LMS pro 1.6.0 or above versions.

course prerequisites



Academy Lms


Unlimited support & upgrades for active Academy Pro licenses.