Academy LMS vs LearnPress Comparison
Explore Academy LMS vs LearnPress comparison to understand
their unique offerings, including ease of use, scalability, and advanced functionalities
for your online courses.
License & UPDATES |
LearnPress |
Lifetime Support |
Lifetime Updates |
# of Sites Per License |
Licenses |
“If you just need a FAST and LIGHTWEIGHT lms plugin then academy LMS is for you. I was
trying to search for ages for a optimized lms plugin that uses the least ram as possible and
that do not slow down wp-admin. This one is the KEY. Please
keep it that way! Thank you so much for doing this..”
LMS Core |
LearnPress |
SPA Interface |
Easy Installation Wizard |
Analytic/Report |
Frontend Dashboard |
Migration Tool |
Tutor Booking |
Teacher Registration Form |
Student Registration Form |
CSV Bulk Import |
Quiz Import/Export From CSV |
Tracking Course Progress |
Course Difficulty Level |
Define Course Duration |
Course Requirements Instructions |
Content Security |
Add Student & Instructor from the Dashboard |
Import Lessons From CSV Files |
Revenue Sharing Option |
Public Profiles |
Student & Instructor Dashboards |
Duplicate Course, Lesson, Quiz And Assignment |